Welcome To Rule 76

What Is This & Who Am I?

Who Am I?

I'm a sports fan. A sports fan that believes in the entertainment value of a responsible wager. To me, betting on a game is comparable to buying a ticket to attend that game in person - both cost money and both typically enhance your viewing experience. Although, with sports betting, you have a chance to win money while being in the comfort of your own home.

I'm not a professional bettor, nor will I ever pretend to be one. However, I do have certifications in financial analysis with a background in equity research and investment banking - two worlds that I believe are rapidly converging with sports betting and therefore have overlapping beneficial skill sets (or at least I hope they do).

I also love writing. Combine all of those things together and you get Rule 76 - a newsletter about betting, written by a sports fan, for sports fans.

But, let’s be clear, I'm not selling you my picks; I'm inviting you on a journey with me in which I try to become a successful sports bettor while recapping the process in its entirety (with a heavy dose of transparency, humility, and hopefully some humor thrown in).

What is Rule 76?

"No excuses, play like a champion." An ode to my favorite movie (Wedding Crashers), and now my newsletter’s mantra.

At the risk of sounding cliché, this is more about the process than it is about the results. While I hope Liam Neeson would be impressed with my "very particular set of skills", I'm not an expert…so this ride might get a little bumpy.

Regardless of the results, I will be transparent, outline my lessons learned, and hopefully show a path of development along the way.

But above all else, I will always abide by Rule 76…

No excuses, play like a champion.